
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I'm working on a blog post again. Since school started again, I really didn't find any motivation to post anything haha. But since I have 2 weeks of autumn vacation now, I think I'll post more to bring my blog back to life again. 
How was your october? It's not quite over yet, but til now this month was pretty messy for me. Ugh, do you know that feeling of not knowing what to do next since too much is happening at once at one certain point? My mind is a mess and I'm so confused. Other than that, we should still be positive about everything right? 
So my plan for today was a "What's in my purse?", but apparently my camera is not working with me. The photos came out terribly blurry.. oh my. So that's the only photo I ended up working with. 

Since my camera doesn't want to cooperate with me for today, I decided to try it tomorrow. I'll give a little sneak peek on the things I really want to blog about for the next two weeks. First things first the "What's in my purse?", cause I already planned it out. I thought about doing a video, cause it's more convenient, faster and a lot more entertaining. But I'm also absolutely not good in front of a camera, so I canceled that out. I will practice and maybe my very first video will come out soon. The next thing I thought about doing is a "Monthly Favourite" post, I posted a monthly favorite once or twice already and it was quite fun. So I thought about doing it monthly if I find the time to do so. I don't really find a lot of ideas n what to post lately, maybe reviews, DIY's, a room tour? Do you have any request? Leave your request down below, I'd love and appreciate them. 

Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek